Black Door Gallery is a family owned and operated picture framing business that has been servicing the Penrith area since 1987.
Established as Pro-Frame Design by Peter and Sylvia Hampton, the business was taken over by their son Lee in 2015 and given a new name and new look. Lee has been a part of the business since 1992, and together with his new team, strive to make Black Door Gallery, the premier framing company in Sydney.
Our staff have all been trained to the highest level of expertise in all areas of custom framing including cutting and joining frames, standard and acid free mounting, needlework, canvas and tapestry stretching, Glass Cutting and more.
Most staff have a background in art or photography, which helps to choose the right combination for framing for our clients.
Black Door Gallery is also an Indigenous and Australian Art Gallery that spans over two floors. We support more than 50 Indigenous artists, both local and from all over Australia. We cover a diverse range of Indigenous artworks from artists that are from both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island backgrounds and in both traditional and contemporary styles.
Black Door Gallery also supports a number of Australian artists who specialise in Australian landscapes, flora and fauna. All artists can be commissioned to produce artworks to your requirements…. It all starts with a conversation.


We have been in the picture framing industry since 1970. The wealth of picture framing knowledge has been handed down from one generation to another. In turn, that knowledge has grown as our industry has changed. The trends in the picture framing industry continually change, and so does the technology.
Black Door Gallery is at the forefront of picture framing technology, which gives our customers the best and largest selection of options in framing finishes. We are the first picture framer in the Country to have the new Wizard Eclipse mat cutter, this machine allows for faster turn around time on framing, as well as, producing a cleaner more precise finish to the mat cutting.


Did you know that more than 60% of small businesses fail with in the first 3 years?
Black Door Gallery is now celebrating more than 30 years in the framing industry, formerly known as, Pro-Frame Design, we have been servicing the Penrith district since 1987.
We strive to be the best in our industry, and to provide the best product, service and experience for our customers.


Quality products is another area that we focus on. We believe that we are still a success today, because we provide a great quality product. We back our products by giving them a lifetime warranty. We also carry a range of ready made products by Profile Products that also provide Life Time Warranty, and are 100% Australia Made.


Knowledge, Experience & Quality products will not keep our clients happy if we fail on Service.
Black Door Gallery strives to provide the best quality service to our customers, from our meet and greet upon your arrival, to taking you through the whole custom framing experience. We aim to make your custom framing experience as stress free and enjoyable as possible. We also have NETFLIX on stand by for the Mum’s and Dad’s who have the children with them, and can quickly have your kids entertained, while you select your framing.


We have been family owned and operated since 1987. There have been many people questioning whether our company is under new ownership, the simple answer is NO.
Our business was started by Peter & Sylvia Hampton in 1987. Their son, Lee started in the company in 1992 and now runs the business, after his parents retired in 2015.
The changes that have been made since that time are simply cosmetic, with a new industrial look inside, a name change ( from Pro-Frame Design – The Black Door ) and the launch of an Aboriginal Art Gallery (Black Door Gallery), on our second floor.


Black Door Gallery provides a lifetime warranty on all of our full custom framing work. So if you ever have an issue with your Black Door framing job, bring it back in for assessment and if we can see that we have provided a less than satisfactory job, we will fix it.
This is not an empty warranty either. We have been servicing Penrith since 1987, and we intend on being around for many more years to come.
A Black Door Gallery Lifetime Warranty is a true Lifetime Warranty.