Photo, Art and Frame Restoration

Photographs, Artworks and Frames
Restoration is a service rarely used, but it can be an integral part of a good picture framer’s services. We are often presented with items that are Heirlooms or a piece that has been framed poorly in the past and now needs a little attention.
So your question might be ….. ” What can and what does The Black Door restore? “

One of the main issues with photos, in particular, old photos is something called “Foxing”.
You may have seen this in old photos that have brown blotchy marks or stains on the image which discolours the image. In really severe cases, the image may have holes in it, this is caused by an aggressive acid attack.
Foxing is actually Acid Bleed from poor quality storage or framing. This occurs when a non-acid-free backing such as MDF or timber backing is placed directly against the photo. This can be avoided with acid-free framing but it can also be fixed.
Photo restoration can be done by either scanning the original, fixed and reproduced using a program like Photoshop or having a professional restorer touch up the original.

Artwork Restoration
Just like photos, original artworks are susceptible to Foxing. If left too long, the process for restoration can be long and expensive.
If you see signs of acid bleed in your original artworks or limited editions, Black Door Gallery recommends you bring them in for immediate assessment.
Pricing can be arranged upon inspection of the item, and then the choice is yours to proceed or not.

Mirror Restoration & Re-silvering
Old mirrors have a habit of becoming discoloured. You may have an old mirror that is a family Heirloom, something that is an odd shape, it may have scrolling on it.
A unique piece that today would cost an absolute fortune to reproduce, the only problem is that the reflective surface is faded and black in some areas. So it now appears to be a dirty, fancy piece of glass.
However, it can be saved. These old mirrors can be transformed back to their former glory, through mirror re-silvering. We stripped the old mirror surface of the mirror and replace it with a brand-new one.
Black Door Gallery has now given that old fancy mirror a new lease on life.

Frame Restoration
The photo has survived, but the frame is weathered and slightly damaged, or an old Oil Painting in an old gilded frame.
These things can usually be restored. In most cases, it will be cheaper to replace the frame, but if it has sentimental value, it may well be worth spending the money to bring it back to life.

Restoration Quotation Process
Restoration is not a craft learnt overnight. Like all other quality aspects of picture framing, you will get what you pay for. Restoration should NEVER be about price. It should be about quality and longevity. Black Door Gallery has restored 100’s of artworks, mirrors, photos and frames over the years, and we give a Life Time Warranty on all our work.
To get a quote, you bring your item to us, our restorer calls in weekly and quotes on all items. We then call you with the quote, and you give us the go-ahead. The picture/frames then goes to the restorer for one to four weeks, depending on the restoration needed. When it returns, we call you to come in, collect your piece, or choose your framing.
Do you need a custom-made frame or more info?
Please call or drop into the gallery and our friendly
team will be happy to help.